Marya Cook is the Purple Pest! The local loco. Martha had avoided her on the streets and in church. No getting around her now.

The Purple Pest!


Book One of the Martha and Marya Series

Martha, efficient and ever busy, loves everything about volunteering at her parish – except for the annoying presence of the elderly, Bible-quoting, lavender-clad Marya, known to the locals as The Purple Pest.

When a priest in the parish confesses to the murder of a parishioner, it seems that Marya is the only person who doesn’t believe in his guilt. Martha is not amused when Marya seeks her help to prove his innocence…

100% of author profits go to charity.

Emily Hanlon

Emily is a mystery author from New York and the creator of the highly-anticipated Martha and Marya series. 100% of her profits from book sales go to charity.


No need to be a lady…
or even female
a churchgoer… or even religious.
What is it that unites us,
defines us, identifies us as
Church Ladies?

Why a cold frosty cosmo, of course!